Finance Committee

There shall be a Finance Committee of nine members, who shall hold no other town office in or be a permanent employee of the Town.  A committee consisting of the Moderator, the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, and the Chairman of the Finance

Committee, shall appoint three members annually for a term of three years.  In the event a  erson shall have served two full consecutive terms, he or she shall be ineligible for re-appointment to the Finance Committee for a period of one year.  Vacancies shall be filled by the Moderator, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen and Chairman of the Finance Committee, within thirty days after they occur, for the balance of the unexpired term.

It shall be the duty of the Finance Committee to consider all matters of business included within the articles of any warrant for a town meeting, and it shall be the duty of the Selectmen, immediately upon drawing up a town meeting warrant, to transmit a copy of such warrant to the Finance Committee.  The Finance Committee, after due consideration, shall report in writing such  recommendations as it shall deem best concerning all matters contained in any town meeting warrant relating to the appropriation of money, or which would entail an expense upon the Town, and such report shall be printed and distributed to the voters present at the Town meeting considering said warrant.  Said recommendations shall note the number voting in the affirmative and the number voting in the negative on each question.

The Finance Committee shall have authority at any time to investigate the books, accounts and management of any department of the Town and the books and accounts of the Town shall be open to the inspection of the committee or of any person authorized to act for said committee, except those prohibited by General Law. The members of the Finance Committee shall serve without pay for services, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties hereunder.

Committee Members

Norma Scogin


June 2024

Matthew Rose

Vice Chair

June 2024

Dominic Cammarano Jr


June 2024

Gerald Stefanski


June 2026

Joseph R. Smith Jr.


June 2025

Julie Moran


June 2025

Heidi Churchill


June 2026

Brianna King


June 2025

Select Board Liaison
